
Add System Types

System types can be added depending on the needs of the project. Common is delivered with an SAP and JDE model that can be used to import those System Types. Refer to Import a Model for more information.

To add System Types:

  1. Click System Types in Navigation pane.
  2. Click Add.

    View the field descriptions for the System Types page

  3. Enter the name of the external system in SYSTEM TYPE field.
  4. Enter a brief description of the external system in DESCRIPTION field.
  5. Click Save; the Vertical View displays.

    View the field descriptions for the System Types page

  6. Enter comments about the external system in Comments field.
  7. Enter the name of the company who owns the System Type in Vendor field.
  8. Enter the website of the company who owns the System Type in Vendor Website field.
  9. Click Save.