DSP® Application Development
Add a Tooltip
Some columns may benefit from a tooltip, such as images that represent a status. The status name or description could display when a user hovers the cursor over the status icon. For instance, a red light in a column called “Status” could have the tooltip: “X templates failed to process”. A tooltip can also be useful when a field is disabled due to lack of prerequisites. If a “Submit” button is disabled because the record is “Inactive”, then the tooltip can state “Disabled due to being inactive”.
This feature is available for these controls:
- Button
- Combo Box
- Image
- List Box
First, write a view with the suffix Dtv for each column that requires a tooltip, alias the column as “boatooltip” in the view.
For example, the Finish button on a page is disabled when the Dependency Complete field is false. To display a short message that says why the button is disabled, the user creates the following view.
CREATE VIEW webRequestRoleDtv
SELECT RequestID, RoleID, CASE Validate WHEN 0 THEN 'Dependency not complete for role' ELSE NULL END AS boaTooltip
FROM dbo.webRequestRoleDcv
The view uses a CASE statement, and sets the column to NULL when the tooltip should not display.
After the view is written, register it the column.
To register the tooltip view:
- Access the Page Columns page's Vertical View.
Click Edit.
- Click the Relational tab.
- Click Edit.
- Select the view in the Data Tooltip View list box.
Enter the binding field name(s) in the Data Tooltip Binding Field Names text box.
NOTE: Include a comma between names.
- Click Save.