
Change Request Status

Active, inactive and archived requests have different request statuses.

NOTE: A rule can be run when a request status is changed to Cancelled or Deleted. Refer to Register Rules to Template-level Events for more information.

To delete or cancel a request:

  1. Select Requests in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click Vertical View for a request.
  3. Click Change Status tab.
  4. Click Cancel Request; a confirmation message displays.


    Click Delete Request; a confirmation message displays.

  5. Click Ok.

NOTE: When a request is cancelled or deleted, users with access to the request will receive an email notification and a notification from within dspCompose™.

The cancel and delete request processes are reversible by changing the request status. A request that is deleted or cancelled cannot be reset.

NOTE: The delete request process can be reversed if the archive service page has not run. This service page runs once daily.

To change the status of a request:

  1. Select Configuration > Change Request Status in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click Edit for a request.

    View the field descriptions for the Change Request Status page

  3. Select a status from REQUEST STATUS list box.
  4. Click Save.

A request can be reset to a usable state if an error occurred during processing.

To reset a request:

  1. Select Requests in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click Vertical View for a request.
  3. Click Change Status tab.
  4. Click Reset Request; a confirmation message displays.

    NOTE: The Reset Request icon is disabled if the request is in a Cancelled or Deleted status. Requests with this status cannot be reset.

  5. Click Ok.