DSP® Application Development
Create a WebApp Event (Private) Business Rule
A WebApp Event (Private) allows you to execute an event that already exists on the page.
Private events are like public events, but only events on the same page can call that event. The use of private events helps reduce code duplication.
For example, a large event must run on a page after a few steps run. Add a button that when clicked, runs these steps before calling that large event. Set the large event to private, and have the last business rule be this ‘private’ event.
Refer to Business Rule Guidelines for general information.
To create a WebApp Event (Private) Business Rule for a field in DSP Application Development:
- Select Admin > WebApps in the Navigation pane.
- Click the Pages icon for the WebApp.
- Click the Events icon for the page.
- Access the WebApp page.
- Click the Change Settings icon on the Site toolbar.
- Click Design.
- Click the Events icon for the page.
Click the Business Rules icon for the event.
NOTE: If no record exists, the page displays in ad mode. Otherwise, click Add.
- Enter a value in the PRIORITY field to determine execution order.
- Verify the ACTIVE check box is checked.
- Select WebApp Event (Private) from the PROCEDURE TYPE list box.
- Click Save; the Vertical View displays.
- Select the name of the event on the page from the Event Name list box.
Enter text describing what the stored procedure does in the Comment field.
NOTE: This comment is a description of the event; it does not display to the end user.
- Click the Advanced Properties label to expand the label set.
- Verify the Run On Validate check box is checked.
Click Save.
NOTE: Business Rules run only after all validation rules on the page are processed without error.