
Customize Group Metric Graph

dspMonitor™ is delivered with a sample group metric Excel spreadsheet that can be customized by groups, connection strings and data length to meet the project needs.

To customize the Initial Connection and Groups for the Group Metric Graph:

  1. Select Configuration > Parameters in Navigation pane.
  2. Click Metric Parameters tab.
  3. Verify the following parameters are configured:

    • Graph Directory Path

    • Metric Report Day

    • Metric Report Week

    • Metric Report Month

    NOTE: The views are created for the groups once a complete metric cycle has finished. Configure the metric parameters to set the number of days, weeks and months, respectively, which are stored in the metrics.

  4. Select Configuration >Group Metric Graph in Navigation pane.
  5. Click Download.
  6. Save the file.
  7. Open the Excel file.
  8. Click MonthlyData worksheet.
  9. Right-click the A-1 cell.
  10. Select Edit Query.
  11. Update the Connection information to match that of the client site.
  12. Repeat steps 7– 9 for the WeeklyData and DailyData worksheets within the Excel workbook.
  13. Update the graph to match the local groups, if applicable.
  14. Click Upload on the Group Metric Graph page to upload the modified Excel file.