Customize Group Metric Graph
To customize the Initial Connection and Groups for the Group Metric Graph:
- Select Configuration > Parameters in Navigation pane.
- Click Metric Parameters tab.
Verify the following parameters are configured:
Graph Directory Path
Metric Report Day
Metric Report Week
Metric Report Month
NOTE: The views are created for the groups once a complete metric cycle has finished. Configure the metric parameters to set the number of days, weeks and months, respectively, which are stored in the metrics.
- Select Configuration >Group Metric Graph in Navigation pane.
- Click Download.
- Save the file.
- Open the Excel file.
- Click MonthlyData worksheet.
- Right-click the A-1 cell.
- Select Edit Query.
- Update the Connection information to match that of the client site.
- Repeat steps 7– 9 for the WeeklyData and DailyData worksheets within the Excel workbook.
- Update the graph to match the local groups, if applicable.
- Click Upload on the Group Metric Graph page to upload the modified Excel file.