Target Design
Import Target Design from an Excel File
The design of a Target can be imported from an Excel file. A user must download a formatted template, add data and import the Excel file.
Import is also allowed from a System Type or database tables. Refer to Import Target Design from a System Type and Import Target Design from a Database for more information.
After a successful import, the table displays on the Targets page in Target Design, with 'tt' appended to the front of the table name. When a user selects the Target on the Targets page, the fields in the Target table (i.e., the fields entered in the Excel file) display on the Target Fields page.
When an Excel file is imported, the fields marked as key in the Excel file have the KEY FIELD, VERIFY POST LOAD and the ACTIVE check box enabled by default. Additionally, the REQUIRED field is set to Technical Required and the CRITICALITY is set to High. Other fields must be made active to be used in the Target. Refer to Activate and Deactivate Target Fields for Mapping for more information.
NOTE: The uploaded Excel file is saved to the import file data source path before it is imported. The default import file data source is cMap_Design_File Path which can be configured and edited by an Administrator if another data source should be used.
To edit the import path in Target Design:
- Select Configuration > Import Setup in the Navigation pane.
Click Edit.
View the field descriptions for the Target Import Configuration page
- Select a path in the IMPORT FILE DATASOURCE list box.
- Click Save.
To import an Excel file in Target Design:
- Click Target Import in the Navigation pane.
- Click the Excel Import icon in the parent pane.
Click the Download a File icon in the EXCEL TEMPLATE column in the child pane to download the template.
NOTE: The template contains instructions for data entry. Refer to Complete the Excel File for more information.
NOTE: The template is downloaded as read only. Save a copy to enter data.
- Click the Upload a File icon in the EXCEL FILE PATH column to upload the completed Excel file.
- Click the Import icon in the child pane.
- Click OK.
During the import, new records are added to the tables, fields, and look up tables. If the records have been imported into the Target previously, updates are applied to existing tables, fields and lookup tables.