Mass Change Data
NOTE: Templates in dspCompose™ are highly customizable and can be configured to have multiple Role IDs with the Role Type of Data. Users assigned to these roles add or update request data. A template can have multiple Data Entry roles. The generic term “Data Entry role” is used throughout this use case, and can refer to one or multiple Role IDs with the Role Type of "Data."
NOTE: A user assigned to the data entry role for the request will receive an email when a request is ready to be processed if the SENDWORKFLOW check box is enabled for the user on the User page.
NOTE: If the request has Org Units assigned, dspCompose™ will only send workflow emails to users who have Org Unit security for values on the request.
NOTE: Columns can be excluded from mass change. Refer to Configure Columns to Exclude from Mass Change for more information.
NOTE: Multiple mass changes can be applied for a single data entry page.
NOTE: For requests with Org Units that use a mass change, if the Horizontal View of the Data Entry page has been modified to include the security view and boaUserID, only the records to which the user has access will be updated when mass change is executed. Refer to Incorporate the Security View into Request Processing for more information.
NOTE: The Finish process initiates the workflow email to users assigned to the next role (if the SEND WORKFLOW check box is enabled on the User page for this user). The Finish process displays a notification from within dspCompose™ to users assigned to the next role (if the SEND NOTIFICATION check box is enabled on the User page for this user).
To mass change data:
Select Requests on the Navigation pane.
Click Roles for a request.
Click the link in the workflow email generated by dspCompose™.
NOTE: The count on the Roles icon is the number of roles the current user can access, not the total number of roles for the request.
- Click DATA ENTRY for the role that allows data entry.
- Click Mass Change on the Page toolbar.
Click Edit.
View the field descriptions for the Request Mass Change page.
Select a column from COLUMN NAME list box.
NOTE: The COLUMN NAME column is updated by the Mass Change action.
Enter a mass change value in VALUE field.
NOTE: The VALUE field is the value written to the column selected in the COLUMN NAME field. This value could also be another field name in the data entry table, in which case, the value would update the COLUMN NAME with the VALUE from that field.
- Click Save.
Click Build Where Clause to aid with the filtering of data that requires an update.
NOTE: Refer to Build Mass Change Where Clause for detailed information.
Click Execute when the mass change is ready to be processed; a confirmation message displays.
NOTE: The execute process applies the mass change value to all rows for the selected column on the data entry page that meet the criteria in the Where Clause (if one exists).
Click Yes.
NOTE: Once the execute process completes, a confirmation message displays.
- Click Ok.
Click View Data to view a report of the mass changed data.
- Navigate to the Request (Roles) page.
Click Finish when the data update is complete.
NOTE: The Finish process initiates the workflow email to users assigned to the next role (if the SEND WORKFLOW check box is enabled on the User page for user(s) assigned to the next dependent role).
NOTE: If the request has Org Units assigned, dspCompose™ will only send workflow emails to users who have Org Unit security for values on the request.
The template uses Org Units and
Users have been assigned to different Org Unit values and
The Org Unit security view has been added to the Horizontal View of the Data Entry pages
The Finish button will not dither and the Data role will not be finished until the Data role for all Org Unit Values has been finished. In other words, a user assigned to each Org Unit Value must finish the Data role before the request can move to the Review role. Until this condition is met, the Finish button will remain active. Refer to Updates to Finishing a Data Role for Templates with the Security View for more information.