An action defines how data in a field is treated when the field is mapped.
- Construction — Used when mapping a field that has not been defined in the source system.
- Copy — Used when mapping a field that is an exact copy from the source to the target.
- Default — Used when mapping a field that should write a default value to the target field.
- Internal — Used when mapping a key field that should use a number generated internally by the target ERP system as the record is loaded.
- Manual Rule — Used when a rule is too complex to be automatically generated and must be written.
- Manual Construction — Used when a rule is too complex to be automatically generated and will be written manually in Construct.
- Not Used — Used when a field that is available in the source system will not be loaded into the target system.
- Rule — Used when the field mapping for a field is performed by a rule that is written by the use.
- Rule Xref — Used when mapping a field that contains values that must be converted before being value mapped.
- Xref — Used when mapping a field that must use value mapping.
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