
Request (Post)

Use this page to Post Request Data to a Target ERP System and Set the Post Start Time.

To access this page:

  1. Select dspCompose > Requests in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click Roles for a request.
  3. Locate Post Role ID.
  4. Click Request (Post) for the Post ROLE ID.




Click to open the Request Post Connections page to view the connection to the target system for each Integrate template associated with the request.

Credentials Detected

If enabled, the user name and password have been detected based on the user credentials setting.

If disabled, the credentials have not been detected and must be added for the request to post successfully.

Refer to Establish a Connection to a Target System for more information.

Post Now

Foreground Post

Click to immediately post request data to a target ERP system in the foreground.  

The user credentials used to post data can be acquired using the methods outlined in Establish a Connection to a Target System.

NOTE: This option is not available if a request is based on a GUI Script template.

A post that runs in the foreground is used for requests that do not time out the system based on the number of records to process.

NOTE: If this icon does not display, the Foreground Post check box is disabled on the Parameters page. Refer to Display Posting Options on Requests for more information.

Background Post

Click to immediately post request data to a target ERP system in the background.

The user credentials used to post data can be acquired using the methods outlined in Establish a Connection to a Target System.

A request is posted in the background if there is a large amount of data to process that may affect system performance or may time out a session. Monitor posts that run in the background on the Request Role Finish Monitor page.

NOTE: If this icon does not display, the Background Post check box is disabled on the Parameters page. Refer to Display Posting Options on Requests for more information.

Post Later

Post Start Time

Displays the time the request begins posting to the target ERP system. Refer to Setting the Post Start Time for more information.

Schedule Post

Click to add the request data to the background posting queue. The request posting process begins at the Post Start Time.

The user credentials used to post data can be acquired using the methods outlined in Establish a Connection to a Target System.

NOTE: When posting in dspCompose™ using the Schedule Post feature, users must have permission to the Post Monitor group in Integrate to successfully post.

NOTE: If this icon does not display, the Schedule Post check box is disabled on the Parameters page. Refer to Display Posting Options on Requests for more information.