
Set Plan Security

User security can also be set at the plan level to assign a user read-only access to a plan, or to restrict access for a user assigned to the Sample Project Level Role and Sample Plan Level Role.

A user must have security set for dspTrack™ in System Administration before plan security can be set.

NOTE: By default, users assigned to the Business User security role have read-only access to Plan pages and cannot import a project or copy a plan. Similarly, any user who has been assigned read-only access cannot copy a plan or import a project.

NOTE: If a user is assigned to the Business User security role only, that user will not display on the Plan Access Setup page, because Business Roles users primarily interact with the Work List.

To assign a user read-only access to a Plan or to restrict access for a user assigned to the Sample Project Level Role and Sample Plan Level Role:

  1. Select Project in Navigation pane.
  2. Click Plans for a project.
  3. Click Vertical View for a plan.
  4. Click the Security tab.
  5. Click Setup.

    NOTE: All users with access to the selected plan display.

  6. Click the READ ONLY check box for a user to assign read-only access to all pages in the plan.

    NOTE: The logged in user cannot set read only access for his or her own account and the READ ONLY check box is not available for the logged in user’s account. If a user has read only access, that user cannot update any page in the plan, including the Plan Access Setup page. Therefore, if the logged in user could set read only access for his or her own account, the logged in user could never change access for his or her own account back to Write Access. For example, user BFranklin is logged in and has access to the Software Implementation plan as a member of the Sample Plan Level Role. BFranklin can change permissions to read only for any user on the Plan Access Setup page, and restrict that user’s access to all pages in the Software Implementation plan to read only. However, BFranklin cannot change his own access to read only. It is set to Write Access by default.

  7. Click to enable the Ignore During Sync Process check box, if necessary.

NOTE: If enabled, the READ ONLY setting for the user ID is ignored when the automatic synchronization procedure runs. The user's read only access is not updated during this procedure, which syncs the settings on the Plan Access Setup page with the Security Role settings for dspTrack™. Refer to Use Template Security Roles for more information.