
Set the Upload Path for dspTrack™

dspTrack™ allows users to import project files in MSProject (.mpp) and Excel file (.xlsx) format to use when creating or updating a plan. A project file must be uploaded before it can be imported.

The file path where project files are uploaded must be set at a client’s site prior to creating plans.

To set the upload path:

  1. Select Configuration > Parameters in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click Edit.

    View the field descriptions for the Parameters page’s Validations tab

  3. Enter the path where project files should be uploaded in the Plan Upload File Path field.

NOTE: Include the drive in the path i.e., C:\Program Files (x86)\BOA\Track\Uploads\

NOTE: The process requires full access to this location or an 'access denied' error message displays when a user tries to upload a plan. To resolve this, a site Administrator must set the required permissions for this location.