
Track Error Records on Reports

Detailed metric information can be configured and generated for a specific report. These metric reports specifically track how long an error record exists in a report and provides details on when the error was fixed.

To track error records on reports:

  1. Select Configuration > Report Repositories in Navigation pane.
  2. Click Reports icon for Repository.
  3. Click Vertical View for Report.
  4. Click Metric Data Information tab.
  5. Click Report Metric Data Build check box to enable metric reporting.

    NOTE: If Report Metric data is being configured for the first time and report columns do not currently exist, an informational message displays.

  6. Click Yes.
  7. Click Report Columns icon to indicate which columns will be tracked for Metric Data Tracking.

    View the field descriptions for the Metric Data Column (Config) page

  8. Enter a sort order in ORDER field to determine how the columns are arranged in the report.
  9. Select a report column from COLUMN list box.
  10. Enter a heading in HEADING field as the column that displays in the report.
  11. Click KEY COLUMN check box to enable it, if the column is a key on the table.

    NOTE: Add the key columns and any additional columns on the report to track.

  12. Click Save.
  13. Click Back button for the browser to return to the Repository Reports page’s Vertical View.
  14. Click Metric Data Information tab.
  15. Click Process icon to immediately run the report; a confirmation message displays.

    NOTE: A Service page runs these reports on a schedule. The report runs when the Report Metric Data Completed On date is less than the Process Completed On date and the date differs by more than one day. To stop dspMonitor™ from processing the report on a schedule, disable the Report Metric Data Build check box on the Metric Data Information tab.

  16. Click Ok.
  17. Click Results to view how long key data has been on the report.
  18. Select Dashboard > Reports (Metrics) to view reports of all metric data results.